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Join host Aimée Walker and guests for these conversations about loving God with all that we are, right where we are and be empowered to overcome the obstacles in your own life to pursuing God wholeheartedly. We’re all devoted to something, and God’s desire is that He be the One we ultimately give our hearts to because it’s only through this wholehearted devotion that we can truly live the life He created us for.
Rest. We all know we need more of it, but so often it just feels like another thing we need to try and squeeze into a full schedule—another thing to do. But rest is about more than slowing down and ceasing from our activity. Rest is a heart posture—it’s a state of trust and dependency upon God that releases us from striving, and ultimately, rest is about relationship. Today on the podcast, Aimée and guest Anna Kettle are talking about what it looks like to draw near to God and practice rest in a world that is on 24-7. Join us as we discuss the discipline of rest, internal versus external rest, making peace with discomfort, discovering what is life-giving for our season, and living in the grace of God. Connect with Anna here.
Sometimes we find ourselves in a spiritually dry season. Perhaps life is hard or busy or we've just gotten in a rut and the rhythms that were once life-giving no longer are. God doesn't want us to run on empty, He wants us to come into His presence hungry and leave filled. Join host Aimée Walker and guest Asha Joseph for this conversation about getting creative and rediscovering joy in our walk with Jesus. If your spiritual disciplines aren't serving you well, this is your permission to try something new!
Today on the podcast, our co-directors Aimée Walker and Em Tyler are talking about the spiritual discipline of fasting and answering questions from our community! You’ll laugh and be challenged as they share from their own journeys about how they outwork this practice in their own lives. Join us as we discuss: The ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ of fasting, being Spirit-led and grace-filled when you fast, how the death and resurrection of Jesus transform this practice, experiencing deeper intimacy and greater dependence upon the Trinity, and the transformation that fasting brings.
When Judah was under attack, God gave them a strategy: worship. As they lifted their voices in song, their enemies were defeated with no effort on their part. Worship is just as powerful still. Today on the podcast, Aimée talks with guest Dr Kudzai Zvenyika about fostering a heart of worship. Join us as Kudzai shares how God revealed Himself to her in a difficult season and taught her the importance of grounding ourselves in who God is, creating intentional places of worship, shifting the atmosphere through worship, and Reigniting the fire within by gathering with other believers. Connect with Kudzai here.
“For God so loved the world that he GAVE…” It’s one of the most often-quoted verses in Scripture, and for good reason! John 3:16 testifies of the Father’s generous heart towards His beloved creation. And it’s a posture that we are invited to reflect. Today on the podcast, Aimée chats with guest Hannah Tan, about cultivating generosity in our lives. Join us as we discuss: Checking our heart motivations, giving with joy and not under compulsion, planning ahead to be generous, making generosity a family culture, and not allowing circumstances to squash a generous spirit. Connect with Hannah here.
We all know we need to open our Bibles and read them. But so often, they just feel like another thing to do on an already too-full to-do list. This was never God’s heart for us. He intended His Word to be an invitation to pull up a chair at His table and be nourished and sustained by Him. Today on the podcast, Aimée Walker talks with guest Marissa Price about building a Word-rich life. Join them as they discuss: Maintaining joy and delight in the Scriptures, throwing off the lies of shame and guilt, not over-complicating ‘quiet times’, the power of reading in community, and bringing an expectation of faith to our time in the Word. Connect with Marissa here.
Money. Jesus had a lot to say about it in the Gospels where He made it abundantly clear that we cannot serve both God and money. Whether money is our master because we don’t have enough, or because our hearts are set on more, it needs to take its proper place in our lives if we want to live a life of wholehearted devotion to God. Today on the podcast, Aimée Walker talks with guest Jaclyn Weidner about their family’s transformational money journey and how they got brave and faced the numbers so they could break free from financial bondage to dream with God again. Connect with Jaclyn here.
Life is busy. Our to-do lists, overwhelming, and practicing hospitality can feel like it’s just in the too-hard basket. But as today’s guest on the podcast reminds us: When we practice hospitality, we’re not only obeying a command, we’re becoming more like Jesus, as we welcome both friends and strangers to the table. Join host Aimée Walker and guest Sue Moore Donaldson as they talk about practicing hospitality and encountering God as we learn to open our hearts and our homes to people. Connect with Sue and get your free gift from her here.
Living life in community as God intended can be hard. Not only can we struggle to find our people, but doing life with others can expose our deepest fears and insecurities. It can be refining work. But if we will stay the course, it can also be healing work. Join host Aimée Walker and guest Latasha Ferguson as they discuss the power of building collaborative community. Connect with Latasha on Instagram @latashamferguson.
In 1 Corinthians 14, Paul exhorts us to "Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy." But why does he elevate prophecy above the other spiritual gifts? Join host Aimée Walker and guest Rebecca Brand as they explore the gift of prophecy and consider how it can help connect us to the heart of the Father, drawing us into deeper intimacy with Him. Connect with Rebecca at
As much as we would like God to direct us through neon signs written in the sky, that’s not usually how He works. God’s heart is not simply to tell us what to do, but to impart His wisdom and to give us understanding so that we will be willing participants in the mission He has entrusted us with. So, He invites us into a conversation, drawing us deeper into His love. Our part, is to incline our ears to hear Him. Join host Aimée Walker and guest Rachel Rodger as they discuss learning to be aware of the Holy Spirit’s constant presence and growing in our confidence and ability to discern what He is saying to us. Connect with Rachel at
Join host Aimée Walker and guest Fran Francis as they discuss the importance of spiritual formation—of allowing ourselves to be shaped by God—and the role spiritual direction has to play in helping us notice the movement of God in our lives. You’ll be encouraged to make room for that which is holy, spend less time doing and more time attending, let God gaze upon you, and to find gentle ways of being with Him that offer an antidote to the drivenness of our culture. Connect with Fran at
The Devoted Podcast is back! In season two, we'll be looking at the topic of Devoted Disciplines, considering some of the spiritual practices and gifts that can help us steward our desire to be close to God. If you want more, if you want to go deeper in your faith and not just know about God but really 'know' Him, experiencing the fullness of what He has promised us in His Word, then these conversations are for you! Join us as learn to grow in devotion together, loving God with all that we are, right where we are!
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