Hope. It can seem like such a fragile thing, wishy washy even, and though we long for it, all too often it eludes us.
In Scripture, however, hope is held out to us as powerful, as something that has the ability to anchor us and keep us steady even in the fiercest of storms. The hope the Bible presents to us is bold and imbued with strength and conviction; it looks not to self or circumstances but to the certainty of who God is, convinced of His goodness.
And so, we invite you to join us for this two-week mini-study as we trace the theme of hope in Gods Word to gain understanding of the truths that undergird it. Our prayer is that as we do, you would discover afresh the living hope that is ours in Christ.
Each day you will read a passage of Scripture followed by an in-depth teaching to help you reflect on what it teaches us about biblical hope, before using our journalling prompts to respond to what you have been learning.
The full-colour DIGITAL study guide is delivered as an A4 PDF. Please note that digital products are non-refundable and will be delivered via email for immediate download upon purchase.
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