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I have told you these things so that My joy and delight may be in you, and that your joy may be made full and complete and overflowing.

John 15:11 (AMP)


As the cross loomed before Him, three times Jesus expressed His desire that His joy not only be in us, but that it be complete. He did not want us to know partial or fleeting joy but to possess the ‘full measure’ of His joy. A joy that abounds and overflows and cannot be taken from us.


In “Counting it All Joy.” we explore Paul’s letter to the Philippians–The Epistle of Joy–and consider the truth that it teaches us about how we can live a joy-filled life in any and all seasons so that Jesus’ prayer can become our lived experience.


Bringing together exegetical and contemplative practices, this four-week mini study will deepen your understanding of Scripture and equip you to rejoice in the journey of life, faith, and transformation. 




  • Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, you’ll read a section of Philippians and an accompanying devotional with study notes and journaling prompts to help you dig deeper into the Word. 

  • Tuesdays and Thursdays we invite you to slow down and write out a portion of Philippians–by the end of the study you’ll have written out the whole book!


The full-colour DIGITAL study guide is delivered as an A4 PDF.


To access bonus video content and connect with other women doing this study, join us in The Devoted Community starting Monday 17th October! 

Counting it All Joy Mini-Study | By Aimée Walker
